all postcodes in NE12 / NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE

find any address or company within the NE12 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE12 9AA 1 55.018271 -1.568026
NE12 9AB 0 55.019414 -1.56609
NE12 9AD 11 55.021246 -1.56621
NE12 9AE 1 55.021017 -1.564898
NE12 9AF 0 55.023795 -1.55988
NE12 9AG 2 55.020696 -1.565652
NE12 9AH 0 55.019976 -1.562361
NE12 9AJ 5 55.022543 -1.561504
NE12 9AL 4 55.02336 -1.561308
NE12 9AN 0 55.024058 -1.560612
NE12 9AP 1 55.023443 -1.559695
NE12 9AQ 0 55.022695 -1.558781
NE12 9AR 1 55.023022 -1.559716
NE12 9AS 2 55.022169 -1.55996
NE12 9AT 0 55.0217 -1.559418
NE12 9AU 0 55.021955 -1.560353
NE12 9AW 0 55.018529 -1.562205
NE12 9AX 0 55.022468 -1.563101
NE12 9AY 1 55.023384 -1.562856
NE12 9BA 1 55.024073 -1.564585